Experiment results show that this method can improve precision ratio to a certain extent, but recall ratio greatly. 实验表明,该方法会有效提升查全率并且会改进查准率。
It will influence the precision ratio and the efficiency of the query. 但是用这些技术去查询,返回来的结果常与用户所需要的很不一致,很多都不是用户所需要的,这将直接影响WEB查询系统的查准率和查询效率。
Experimental result shows that recall ratio and precision ratio can attain a higher level by which a new way is exploited for information hiding technology, and application field of speech retrieval is enlarged. 研究表明:新算法的查准率和查全率可以达到很高的水平,为信息隐藏技术的发展开辟了一条新的研究道路,同样扩大了语音检索技术的应用范围。
The experiment results show that this focused-spider can raise the precision ratio greatly. 实验结果显示,该主题蜘蛛能有效提高查准率。
Approach to the Raising of Recall Ratio and Precision Ratio in Retrieving Research Achievements 谈谈提高查新检索查全率和查准率的方法
Experiment results prove that this system can improve recall ratio and precision ratio effectively and then attain a satisfying personal retrieving effect. 实验结果表明,该系统有效提高了检索系统中的查全率和查准率,取得了满意的个性化检索效果。
Theoretical Study of the Relationship between Recall and Precision Ratio 查全率与查准率之间关系的理论研究
It provides an essential condition for the research on the relations between recall ratio and precision ratio. 为进一步研究查全率与查准率的关系提供了必要的条件。
A large number of simulation experimentsshowthat this method can improve the speed of Chinese word segmentation and the recall ratio and precision ratio of information. 大量仿真实验结果表明,采用该方法可较大提高中文文本的切词速度及信息的查全查准率。
A practical approach is presented to enlarge the recoverable scope and improve precision ratio of pattern recovery. 提出了一种实用的方法来扩大可重现模式的范围和提高模式重现的精度。
The experimental result show, the algorithm is very effective, and improve the precision ratio, has the stronger environment dynamic compatibility, can realize the entities matching automation. 实验结果显示,该算法很有效,能明显提高实体匹配的查准率,有较强的环境动态适应性,可以实现实体匹配的自动化。
The main purpose of the research on Web Services Discovery is to increase the search efficiency ( such as recall ratio and precision ratio) and to realize the discovery automation. Web服务发现的研究目标是检索效率(比如查全率和查准率)和自动化程度的提高。
Assemble model can draw components of retrieval system precisely, it can also be used to account recall ratio, and precision ratio. 集合模型能够精确地描述检索系统的构成,还可以用来计算检索的查全率和查准率。
The precision ratio of solvent was confirmed, and feasible spread solvent was selected. 确定了溶剂的精确配比,选择了适宜的展开剂。
The traditional search engine alleviated this problem to some extent. However, because it can not understand the semantics of the information, the quality and effectiveness of search is far to satisfy. The recall ratio and the precision ratio are to be improved. 传统搜索引擎在一定程度上缓解了这一矛盾,然而,由于其无法理解这些信息的语义,导致它的检索质量和效果远远无法令人满意,其查全率和查准率还有待提高。
A semantic Web service personalized selection algorithm ( SWSPS) based on ML-QoS ontology was proposed and it outperformed traditional algorithms in the recall ratio and precision ratio. 提出了一种基于ML-QoS本体模型的个性化服务选择算法,对传统算法服务查准率与查全率的不足进行了改进。
Compare the testing results, it could be found that the retrieval efficiency of the index file and the precision ratio of the ciphertext retrieval have been greatly improved after the optimization. 通过密文检索原型系统的性能测试可以发现,优化之后的密文检索技术在索引文件的检索效率和密文检索的查准率方面有了很大的提高。
It is the key technology for Transformer Bridge to provide the precision ratio adopting inductive coupling windings. 其中,采用感应耦合比例绕组来提供高精度的比率是变压器电桥的关键技术。
The experiment proves our method can get high precision ratio. 实验证明,我们的方法具有较高的准确率。
Traditional multiplicative update NMF approach has so many iterations and slow convergence time, so we proposed projected gradient approach to the NMF, in the assurance of precision ratio and recall ratio, it can greatly improve the speed of the retrieval. 对传统的乘法更新NMF迭代次数多,收敛时间慢等缺点,提出将投影梯度应用到NMF,在保证查全率查准率情况下,收敛速度大大的提高了。
Eliminates the flaws of k value is set too low caused precision ratio or too high leads to lower the rate of recall ratio. 该算法消除了K值设置过大引起的低爬准率或过小导致低爬全率的缺陷。
The query expansion technique can resolve the defects brought by keyword matching query technology, and improve the recall ratio and precision ratio. 查询扩展技术可以良好的解决基于关键词匹配查询技术的不足,提高查全率和查准率。
Then several typical experiments are done to testify the precision ratio, the recall ratio, and the topic satisfaction ratio of this system, and these evaluation indicators all have reached a high level, also it obtained the good effect. 该系统通过一些典型实验,验证了系统在查全率、查准率、主题满意度等评价指标上都达到了较高水平并取得了良好的效果。
The aim of the algorithm is to expand query words which user has input and improve the recall and precision ratio. 算法的目的是对用户输入的查询词进行语义扩展,从而提高查全率和查准率。
As experiments show, the method has high precision ratio and recall ratio. 3. 实验证明该方法具有较高的查全率和查准率。
A semantic Web rough fuzzy ontology with actual application background is constructed, and then a prototype of information semantic retrieval system is designed and implemented. The precision ratio, recall ratio and retrieval time of the prototype are tested. 构建了一个具有实际应用背景的语义Web粗糙模糊本体,以此为基础,设计与实现了一个信息语义检索系统的原型,并验证了其查准率、查全率和检索时间。
Experiment verifies that this method which sure the location firstly and query knowledge secondly improve the semantic routing efficiently, recall ratio, precision ratio and expansibility. 实验表明,这种先定位后查询的方法提高了语义路由效率,具有较强的查准率、查全率和扩展性。
However, on the aspect of knowledge management, there exist problems of low recall ratio and low precision ratio with retrieval techniques which are based on keyword matching due to heterogeneity of information formats, semantic multiplicity and inadequacy of information relationship. 但是,在知识管理方面,由于信息格式的异构性、语义的多重性和信息关系的匮乏与不统一,基于关键字匹配的检索技术往往存在知识的查全率和查准率不高的弱点。
Regarding the final effect, it works the same as the single-scale bag-of-words model in aspects of recall ratio, precision ratio and aggregative indicator, while much more computational complexity is avoided during the process of creating the descriptor. 通过实验证明,该方法在查全率、查准率、综合指标等三方面保持了与单尺度SIFT词袋模型效果基本相同,但极大的减少了描述符生成过程中带来的运算复杂度。